Collaborate with Us

Gratitude to Our Partners and Supporters

On behalf of Accelerate, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Partners and Supporters. Your support plays a vital role in helping us achieve our mission and make a positive impact on the community.

Our Partners

Tailored corporate programs aim to create meaningful partnerships with OEMs and industry partners to offer internship placements to Black talent. We collaborate with Canadian automotive manufacturers/distributors and other industry partners to provide internship opportunities within their organisations. These partnerships benefit both companies seeking diverse talent and interns looking for valuable experience in the automotive sector.

 In addition, we are open to bespoke partnerships that extend beyond internships. Whether your organisation seeks unique ways to contribute to our mission, wants to support specific initiatives, or envisions a distinct collaboration, we are ready to work together to create a more diverse and inclusive automotive workforce.

If you’re interested in joining our initiative and offering internship placements, please contact us to discuss the details of this partnership.

Official Partners

  • Nissan Canada

  • WEINS Auto Group

  • taq Automotive Intelligence

  • Universus Media


  • ScotiaBank

  • TD Bank

  • APMA

  • Canadian Black Book

  • MVRO

  • OVIN

  • BMO

Community Partners

  • Pinball Clemons Foundation

  • Black Talent Initiative

  • ONYX Initiative

Educational Partners

  • TMU - Black Student Business Association

  • McMaster University

  • Waterloo University

  • George Brown

  • Automotive School of Business (Georgian College)

  • Ontario Tech

  • TDSB

  • York University

  • University of Toronto