Student Profile
Name: Genevieve Aguigwo
Which program are you currently studying and at which school?
I’m currently a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering Student at the University of Toronto. My streams are in Mechatronics and Manufacturing.
What is a piece of advice you would give to someone looking to start school in a technical field?
The biggest advice would be to prepare to embrace your imposter syndrome. There will be times where you feel like you do not belong in the field or you do not measure up to your peers, but none of that is true. As long as you are in the field because you are curious about the technical aspects and are passionate about what you are studying, you will get to the finish line. It is also good to be open-minded because your personal preference changes as you become exposed to new information. So, what you may have liked in the beginning may not be where you end up.
What is the most rewarding part of studying Engineering?
Studying engineering gives you an opportunity to meet many intelligent people and experts in the field. Innovation is central to the field, so there are numerous opportunities to participate in or even just observe. One more thing I enjoy is the challenge and finding new ways to approach a problem. As a student, you are trained to look at problems from many perspectives and oftentimes, without the option of leaving a problem unsolved. Being put in an environment like that creates a sense of security, in knowing that there is no problem that cannot be solved; hence making it easier to face challenges.
What does proper representation in an industry mean to you?
Proper representation means being able to find someone who will listen to your stories and have enough shared experiences to still advise or guide you. This person’s story or journey is a source of inspiration for yours. The most important thing is to have people in senior positions who do not look down on you based on preconceived biases, and who are able to give you the avenue to advance in your career.