Industry leaders express support

Accelerate Auto is working with industry partners to attract, develop, and promote Black talent.

TORONTO, Feb. 16, 2021 — Leaders from across Canada’s automotive industry have expressed their support for the newly-launched Accelerate Auto not-for-profit that is aiming to help accelerate opportunities for Black talent across the industry. 

The expressions of support come from across various sectors of the industry from educational institutions, industry associations representing the aftermarket industry and vehicle manufacturers, to suppliers providing products and services, and media partners.


“Diversity of opinions and perspectives can only help our educational institution and our industry. The Automotive Business School of Canada looks forward to working with Accelerate Auto to help make a positive difference.” 

— Jason Dale, Executive Director, Automotive Business School of Canada 

“The aftermarket industry is vast and interconnected. That means there is a great opportunity for our members to have the conversations that will spark the action that is needed for positive change. Accelerate Auto can play a key role.”

— Jean-François Champagne, President, Automotive Industries Association of Canada (AIA) 

“Automotive is an exciting industry, filled with opportunity and great people. I applaud Accelerate Auto for its efforts to improve diversity by attracting, developing and retaining top Black talent to our industry.”

— Maria Soklis, President of Cox Automotive Canada and Brazil

“Without open conversations, nothing will change. We fully support Accelerate Auto and its leaders, and encourage the rest of our industry to listen carefully.”

— Niel Hiscox, President, Universus 

“The beauty of Canada is that we are a nation of immigrants, and our diversity is what makes our nation strong. Too often however, the strength of our diversity has not been fully realized. The automotive industry is no exception. I am confident however, that Accelerate Auto has the capacity to break down barriers and fully engage the talent and capacities of our most important resources — our Human Resources in all their diversity.”

— David Adams, President, Global Automakers of Canada

“Change does not come easy, or quickly, nor does it come about without a necessary disruption to the status quo.  Real change starts with awareness and education, and we firmly stand behind Accelerate Auto, and their passionate efforts to effect positive change in our industry”

— Alan H. Bird, President & CEO, SCI Ltd

About Accelerate Auto 

Accelerate Auto is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing Black representation in the Canadian automotive industry. We provide Black professionals and leaders with access to mentorship for skills building and peer networking to support professional growth and career development. We facilitate career pathing to attract more Black talent to automotive and build awareness of opportunities within the industry. We are dedicated to creating a stronger and more diverse automotive workforce.   

It’s time to Accelerate Change. It's time for Accelerate Auto. 

Media Contacts:

For any media inquiries, please contact: 

Jennifer Okoeguale, Founding Member, Accelerate Auto; or

Todd Phillips, Founding Member, Accelerate Auto 


Accelerate Auto Recognizes Universus as First Official Partner


Accelerate Auto launches today