Accelerate Auto discusses research findings on diversity gaps in Canada’s automotive sector

Accelerate Auto speaks to the continued need for greater focus on diversity efforts across the automotive industry.

TORONTO, Nov. 10, 2022 — Accelerate Auto, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing opportunities for Black talent in Canada’s automotive industry, took the stage at the annual TalkAuto Canada conference where they presented the findings of a first of its kind research study on diversity within Canada’s automotive industry.

In the audience at the sold-out event were leaders from across the automotive industry, including manufacturers, suppliers, bankers, retailers and others. Accelerate Auto commissioned the study which surveyed more than 1,000 Canadian consumers to uncover some challenges and trends of the Canadian Automotive industry as it pertains to promoting, supporting and servicing two groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the auto sector: Blacks and other visible minorities (identified as Other in the research).

The study focused on determining the needs of these minority groups in contrast with the general population. The sample had a marginally overweighted sample of Black respondents, but was otherwise balanced in terms of urban versus rural communities, age groups, gender, income and education.

The study yielded interesting snapshots of how people view the industry’s track record on diversity,

When asked about their most recent experience at an auto dealership, 70% of respondents described it as “Mostly not diverse”. When asked what reasons would encourage them to switch to a new industry, Black and Other consumers were more likely than Caucasian consumers to say “A workplace with greater diversity” (53% vs. 15%).

Accelerate Auto’s Executive Chairman, Christopher Nabeta represented the organization at the TalkAuto conference. “Up until this point, there has been a lack of data on the diversity and experience of Blacks and other underrepresented groups within the Canadian auto industry,” said Nabeta. “With the results of this study, Accelerate Auto is well positioned to effectively work with its partners and develop targeted and tailored solutions.”

Accelerate Auto spoke about their plans to bring solutions to the industry. Together with their partners, the organization is piloting mentorship and internship programs designed to support Black talent and young professionals by connecting them to both internships and leaders across Canadian Automotive. They will also be rolling out a comprehensive DEI curriculum professionally tailored towards cultivating workplace inclusiveness.

Another part of the organization’s plans to address these issues is the development of a digital platform, serving as an inclusive online space which will in part connect Black talent to jobs in the industry and vice versa. The organization is set to launch the interactive platform in early 2023.

Accelerate Auto looks forward to its continued work raising awareness around the need for increasing opportunities for Black talent, especially in leadership roles in Canada’s automotive industry.

Additional Research Highlights:

  • Black consumers are more likely than Caucasian consumers to say the automotive industry is Lacking diversity (32% vs. 16%)

  • Only 9% of consumers would describe the dealership where they had the most recent experience  as diverse

  • When asked about what prevents them from working in the automotive industry, Black and Other consumers were more likely than Caucasian consumers to say it is because Car companies don’t want to hire someone like me (56% vs. 14%)

  • Black and Other Consumers are more likely than Caucasian consumers to agree completely that “When it comes to buying a car, I would seek out a Black-owned dealership” (43% vs. 11%)

About the Study

These are a few of the findings of an RK Insights led study commissioned by Accelerate Auto between August 10 to October 15, 2022. For this study, a sample of over 1,000 Canadians aged 18+ were surveyed over the phone. Sample was weighted to ensure the composition reflected that of the Canadian population, with an overweighted sample of Black Canadians (20%). The weight of Black representation in this survey was set in order to reflect and better understand insights from this subset of the population.

About Accelerate Auto

Accelerate Auto is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing Black representation in the Canadian automotive industry. We provide Black talent and youth with access to mentorship for skills building and peer networking to support professional growth and career development. We facilitate career pathing through the form of internships to attract more Black talent to automotive and build awareness of opportunities within the industry. We are dedicated to creating a stronger and more diverse automotive workforce.


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